
2011/03/25 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



In response to Evergreen Group Chairman Chang Yung-fa's suggestion that the government should stop the construction of No.4 nuclear power plant in light of Japan's nuclear crisis, the Ministry of Economic Affairs said yesterday, that the termination of the project would bring negative impact on Taiwan's GDP and economic growth.

In light of what happened at Fukushima's Nuclear power plants, Evergreen group chairman Chang Yung-fa called out to the government to stop construction of Nuclear Power plant number 4,

and instead, switch to alternative power sources in order to allow Taiwan to continue its growth for the long term.

However, Taipower Chairman Chen Kue-ming stressed that, nuclear power is a low cost source and can not be easily replaced, though he could understand where Chang is coming from.

Taipower also pointed out that, currently, the 4th power plant is just an empty building without any nuclear fuel, and thus there is no threat to the country.

As for the alternative power source, it pointed out that it is the government's medium to long-term goals, as currently, there is the plan to build wind turbines in Penghu islands. In the current stage, once nuclear power is stopped, Taiwanese GDP and economic growth would be negatively impacted.

Taipower said that, the 5.14 million watts of power provided by the current 3 nuclear power plants is not enough for the continuing industrial growth in Taiwan.

The fourth plant would offer 2.7 million watts of electricity, and there is no order to stop the construction of the 4th plant so far.

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關鍵字Fukushima's nuclear Power Plants Evergreen group Chairman Chang Yung-fa's suggestion The construction of No.4 nuclear Power plant Japan's nuclear crisis The Ministry of economic Affairs Taiwan's GDP economic growth
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