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2011/04/30 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



The Taipei City government has recently planned to build a 100-room hotel on BOT model in Little Liuqui of Pingtung County. However, the plan has sparked strong opposition from local tourism businesses, who believe that the city government is trying to benefit big corporations by doing so.

In response to the criticism, the Taipei City government has temporarily suspended the plan.

This is Liuqiu's Vase Rock, and there is a clean sand beach where from May to October green sea turtles come to lay their eggs here. It is surrounded by a rich intertidal beach ecology that is an important tourist asset.

There are numerous bed and breakfasts on the island with tourism being small in scale.

Few people know that a large parcel of land belongs to the Taipei City Government.

This piece measures 6,700 ping and was acquired for a low price to build a reformatory school in 1968.

Later, an uprising led to many injuries leading the facility to be unusable.

Later, the city government changed its plan to outsource it to become a tourist hotel.

This has caused a backlash in the island's tourism industry, with many signing a petition to Taipei's City Council.

Residents think that this hotel does not fit in, as they are asking the city government to give back this land to the original landowners, or the Liuqiu Township Office.

Liuqiu Mayor, Tsai Tian-yu also expressed his concern that this land is not suitable for a hotel and does not comply with zoning laws.

The Taipei City Bureau of Finance said the case is being temporarily suspended, and won't proceed unless Taipei City Council passes the project and decides to implement it.

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關鍵字Little LIUQUI residents OPPOSE hotel project The Taipei City government Little LIUQUI of Pingtung county Vase ROCK
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