節目表 UShare


2011/05/03 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Five students of the National Chiao Tung University have set up a non-profit website in order to help a physically-challenged owner of a chicken farm. The project, which is also the topic of their final report for a computer science course, has taken them an entire semester to complete. And these students are now especially proud of the fact that, unlike most other college assignments, theirs is going to make a lasting contribution long after the final grade was given.

Picking up a broom to brush cages, and taking eggs from these cages, these 5 students at National Chiao Tung University are working in a hen house.

They help set up a website to help this is social welfare group. The first step is for them to experience life on the farm.

Originally it was just a computer assignment, but it may have been karma that they came into contact with this individual, Chen Chuan-hung, who was injured in a construction project, and now must spend his life in a wheelchair.

To support his family, he built a farm holding 20,000 chickens. He hopes to sell eggs and be self-reliant.

After starting this farm, he helped organize social welfare agency to help handicapped friends like him.

He did not have the money to set up a website so these students spent a semester to help him.

He said that the students took the initiative and asked for nothing.

He was quite moved, and now that the web site is complete, he hopes they will continue to help maintain and update the site.

He also hopes to introduce others to the website.

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關鍵字more Than Just AN ASSIGNMENT The national Chiao Tung University
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