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2011/05/25 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



According to the Ministry of the Interior, there were almost 140,000 couples who tied the knot in Taiwan last year, but you may wonder how many of them would really attain that elusive thing called "happily ever after?" In fact, chances are that a large proportion of them won't even last. Nearly 60,000 divorce applications were filed in 2010, an average of 159 per day.

Given the scary statistics, couples who have managed to maintain a loving and lasting marriage now seem all the more extraordinary.

Mr. and Mrs. Tung, aged 91 and 88 respectively, are such an example.

They've been married for 68 years, and are still as close and happy as ever.

Having moved to Tainan Veterans Home three years ago, the couple can be seen taking a walk hand in hand not once, but twice, everyday.

"We do it twice a day. Once in the morning and again in the afternoon."

"So you take walks both in the morning and in the afternoon. Where do you go, then?"

"We go to the park there. It's very big."

Tung Kuo-chang married his wife at Chengdu, Sichuan at the age of 19, shortly after he graduated from the Huang-pu Military Academy, but the newly-weds were forced to separate several months later due to the Second Sino-Japanese War.

And the separation lasted for six years.

"Almost every soldier in my company got killed. Few of us survived."

"But you still had a wife waiting for you back home?"

"Yes, it was like that. I was eager to go home safely.

After all, we had just been married for months when I left."

"You had to reunite with your wife, right?"

Perhaps the separation and all the uncertainties at the early stage of their marriage gave both of them a deeper appreciation of life and of their relationship.

The couple said that ever since they've been together, they've never had one single fight.

"Whenever we were close to starting an argument, he just stepped away and took a nap.

And he would start doing house works after he got up.

As a woman, I don't want to appear prideful and make him feel inferior.

So I would just make him a cup of tea, telling him 'Here's your tea.'

And then everythings fine."

"So you made up?"

"Yes, everything is fine between us."

With about two years left before their 70th wedding anniversary, the couple is already making plans for celebration.

"It'll be our platinum wedding anniversary in two years."

"Your platinum anniversary"

"Yeah, 70 years.

It'll be our 70th wedding anniversary in two years."

"So how will you two celebrate it then?"


We'll just go to a roadside [food stall]..."

"Like a date?"

"We'll go to Taichung."

"So you'll have a date there."

But the Tungs are not the only model couple in the Tainan Veterans Home. There are at least two others of 50 plus years of marriage. And their secrets to a long and successful marriage are:

"When she gets angry, I always apologize."

"I love you."

"He's never figured out my personality."

"Not even by now?"

"He just plays dumb."

"That proves his brilliance."

While seventy years of marriage may seem longer than most couples can imagine, for the Tungs it's still not long enough.

And that's why they are now wearing each other's picture on a necklace.

"I wear his picture on a necklace, and he wears mine.

So that we can find each other and get married in the next life."

If only all couples could be like them.

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關鍵字Ministry of The Interior Huang-pu MILITARY Academy
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