節目表 UShare


2011/06/04 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Starting this month, no discount on taxi fare will be allowed according to a new regulation from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. And cab operators are now offering new promotional deals to keep their competitive edge. Our first story today has the details.

Starting June 1st, many people may feel that they need to pay more for some services than before, such as electricity and taxi fares.

The Ministry of Transportation and Communication has announced that cab companies can no longer offer discounted taxi fares to passengers who take taxis via dialing taxi company hotlines, a way to stop the taxi companies to deduct the cut prices out of drivers' daily income.

Some taxi companies have decided to cancel discounts for passengers, and will charge passengers as dictated by the meter.

According to MOTC, there are around 88,000 cabs nationwide with 31 percent of the cab drivers belong to cab companies.

Many companies used to give passengers 30 percent off with fares over NT$100. However, the companies have been taking the discounted cab fares out of drivers' daily wages.

Furthermore, the cut prices have increased competition among independent taxi drivers, forcing them to provide their own discounts in order to stay in business.

Cab drivers have therefore complained to the MOTC against the companies for making their jobs even more difficult. And MOTC has made amendments to the related laws regulating taxi operations, with aims to stop cab company from cutting into cab drivers' wages, starting June 1st.

To avoid losing customers, taxi companies have offered some special deals, including extra bonus for passengers who pay taxi fares with credit cards, and allow passengers who collect points to get a discount.

Still, some companies that are contracted with Taipei City government can allow passengers using Easycards to enjoy a 30 percent discount with fares over NT$100, and the company will pay the fines.

Consumers who still want to enjoy discounts have need to dial taxi company's hotline for a cab ride.

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關鍵字taxi fare discount The Ministry of transportation and Communications MOTC
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