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2011/06/12 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



A 24-year-old woman in Taipei became an overnight sensation last year when video clips of her singing went viral on Youtube and attracted more than 12 million views worldwide. Last month she officially launched her career as a recording artist by releasing her first album. And after seeing our next story, which features the highlights of her recent performance in Shih Hsin University, you might agree that this incredibly gifted lady deserves every bit of attention she now receives.

She is one of the latest Internet singing sensation.

Afu Teng, a 24-year-old lady with a golden voice, turned into an online celebrity last year after she uploaded videos of her performance to Youtube and received more than 12 million views over a short period of time.

Even British tenor Russell Watson and Grammy Award winner Macy Gray were impressed with her talent and expressed interest to work with her.

It almost feels like a fairy tale.

Just one year ago, Teng was still a college senior who had to work as a busker to pay for her tuition, but last month, when she returned to her alma mater, Shih Hsin University, for a concert, Teng has already become a star.

"Let's give it up for...A-fu!"

Speaking of her newfound fame, Teng said that it was a complete surprise for her.

"We like to sing certain songs

in private for fun, for example,

some foreign pop songs."

"So you reinterpret those songs?"

"Yes. Then we put them online.

I'm surprised to see that they're so popular.

We're really thrilled."

What's especially remarkable about Teng is that instead of imitating the original singers of those hits, she managed to make the songs her own.

"Thank you!"

And the audience just couldn't get enough of her performance.

"Could you do one more song for us?"

"One more?"

"One more, please?"

"Okay. I'll do the one I sang on Youtube."

While Teng may be better known for her renditions of English songs, she is just as impressive when singing in Mandarin.

Teng released her first album at the end of last month, and it sold more than 10,000 copies in just one week.

Considering the young lady's tremendous talent and her overwhelming popularity right now, it's probably safe to say that the sky's the limit for her budding musical career.

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