節目表 UShare


2011/06/28 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



To curb the falling birth rate, the Ministry of Interior plans to launch a special childcare program that will provide funds for daycare services for children under the age of two, reducing the monthly fees to around 8,000 NT dollars to 12,000 NT dollars.

However, scholars worry that the quality of daycare services may be lowered due to the cost, while many parents say that this incentive alone is not enough for them to have more babies.

Mr. Chen is taking his six-month old son to the park for a sun bathe during the weekend.

He said that his parents usually take care of his son during the weekdays, and it's a way to save money, and he doesn't have to worry about the quality of daycare centers.

"I will consider the number of children in the daycare center,

because it's easy for children to get a cold from other kids,

if there are too many kids in the center."

Mr. Chen is not the only one who worries about the quality of daycare centers. Mrs. Chen, who takes care of her own child said that even if the government introduces cheap daycare services, she would not consider sending her child there, let alone give birth to another one.

"The service helps relieve parents' financial burden,

more or less,

still I think what parents concern the most is the quality of the centers."

In order to reduce the burden on parents and to boost the birth rate, the Ministry of the Interior is planning to start a daycare service for children between 0 to 2 year olds, starting next year.

The Ministry will subsidize private day care centers or help non profit organizations to establish day care centers, to provide more affordable services to parents.

"If the cost of daycare service can be reduced to NT$8,000 to NT$12,000 per month, the service will be more affordable for most parents.

Of course we will strictly monitor the quality of such services."

These daycare centers will also offer temporary child care service for about NT$100 to NT$200 per hour.

However, some scholars believe that the ministry's good intentions will be wasted, since the current average daycare monthly fee is at around NT$10,000 to NT$15,000, and the program is not much cheaper than now.

Scholars also said the cost of raising children increases sharply after they are 2 years old, and the government should have a better plan to increase the birth rate

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關鍵字The Ministry of Interior special childcare program daycare
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