節目表 UShare


2011/06/30 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



[0]Another attraction here in Taiwan for the mainland tourists is the high quality of our medical service.

With the arrival of the first batch of independent mainland travelers on the island, let's head to the hospital to find out why it's becoming a must-visit location.##

[1]28-year-old Ms. Hwu, one of the first individual Chinese tourists to Tawian two days ago, chose to have a thorough physical check-up right after arriving in Taiwan. Through the latest CT scan, she can know immediately that if there's any calcium buildup in her cardiovascular system.

She told us why she chooses Taiwanese hospitals.

[2]"When I had health check-ups back in mainland,

I felt afraid,

but when I am here,

I feel that the doctors are very kind to me,

treating me like family."

[3]This is not her first time visiting Taiwan.

She knows that Taiwan's medical care service is very good, and she visits Taiwan through the Free Independent Travelers (FIT) program for Chinese tourists in order to have some non-surgical cosmetic medicine treatments during this trip, such as skin lightening and skin care, based on her needs.

According to the Department of Health, since Taiwan opened its doors to mainland tourists three years ago, the number of Chinese tourists who came to Taiwan for physical check ups have increased from 1,020 persons, to 2895 in 2009, and to 5,580 persons last year, generating a revenue over 50 million NT dollars for Taiwan's medical tourism industry.

Even though the revenue of medical tourism is still low, medical tourism business are very optimistic about the prospect of the market, believing that the business is going to be doubled after independent Chinese tourists are welcomed to enter Taiwan.

[4]"The FIT program allows tourists to

have privacy and flexibility in arranging their itinerary during their stay in Taiwan,

and I believe that if the number of Chinese tourists can reach

NT$1.6 million, the business may grow tenfold."

[5]Even though the current three-day-two-night medical care tours costs around 100,000 NT dollars per person, many Chinese tourists find it much cheaper than having the same service in mainland, and the quality is even better.

Aiming at the medical tourism market, many hospitals and travel agencies have planned ahead in establishing medical business divisions to welcome the Chinese tourists.&&

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關鍵字Mainland tourists Medical Service independent Mainland travelers must-visit location
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