節目表 UShare


2011/07/05 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



  As the economy recovers this year, statistics gathered in March show that the first season of corporate staff shortage reaches around 235,000, marking the highest in 13 years.

The real estate industry and the high-tech industry have a 5.25% and 4.95% of staff shortage rate, respectively.

  "The positions released are mostly, the so-called blue collar positions, or positions in labor intensive industry.

The shortage problem is particularly obvious this year."

  Real estate agencies point out that there are many more open positions compared to previous years, but due to high turnover rate, many agencies are short staffed.

  "The staff turnover rate in real estate industry is high.

Sales persons leave this job soon after they find it different from their expectation."

  Regarding the figure, the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting, and Statistics said that it means that the economy is recovering.

But experts disagree, saying that with the hovering staff storage rate and the unemployment rate, it shows that domestic industries are unable to modify their structures, resulting in companies suffering from staff shortage, while the unemployed can't find a job.

  "The high staff shortage rate shows that there's something wrong with Taiwan's manpower structure.

Companies can't find the right people in the job market, while the unemployed are being turned down."

  The Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting, and Statistics points out that in May, the number of unemployed reached 476,000 people and the unemployment rate dropped to 4.27%.

However, experts believe that if it hadn't been the government's short-term or temporary positions, the unemployment rate would still be as high as 5.59%, indicating little improvement on the unemployment problem.

Human resource agencies say that industries that need workers the most are in services and sales.

Job seekers are advised to first find work, then gradually transfer to jobs they enjoy.

Not only can the job shorten their struggles in job search, it would also help them build up their resumes.

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