
Suhua Devastated
2010/10/24 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Downpours in northeastern Taiwan also devastated the highway connecting Suao and Hualien, and it has been suggested that the route should be shut down due to safety concerns. But the authorities are still weighing the costs of such a move.

Under the brunt of Typhoon Megi, Suhua Highway suffered great impact and broke down, trapping and injuring several passengers along the stretch from Suao to Dongao.

The disaster has brought up new concerns over public safety and expended great amounts of national resources.

In response to the situation, Emergency Management Information System commander and Minister of Interior, Jiang Yi-huah proposed analyzing typhoon behaviors before they make landfall and seal off highways and bridges, such as Suhua Highway according to the intensity of the typhoon and rain.

However, Eastern Taiwan's only route connection to the rest of Taiwan is Suhua Highway.

Sealing off the highway would make transportation inconvenient and hinder the Hualian tourism industry.

Hualian county magistrate, Fu Kun-chi strongly opposes sealing off the road, while Premier Wu Den-yih says the situation requires further evaulation.

Harshly rebuffing the EMIS, Fu suggests that instead of sealing off a highway, to construct a new one, and is urging for a new Suhua Modification project.

The project, if approved by the Executive Yuan, will hopefully take root by the end of the year.

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關鍵字Suhua Devastated typhoon Megi Suhua Highway safety concerns Impact broke down
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