節目表 UShare


2011/08/04 06:00 綜合報導     地區:國外報導



A recent study shows that the obsession with smartphone is getting common, and the habit is highly associated with your brain. It is suggested that smartphone users have developed what is called "checking habits", which is when one unconsciously checks for e-mails and other applications, such as Facebook repetitively.

They look at their handsets on an average of 34 times a day, with each time lasting from less than 30 seconds to 10 minutes. What's interesting about the finding is that the habit is developed not because people want to, but it's because the brain likes the feeling of receiving e-mails or Facebook feedbacks. Researchers said these feedbacks make people feel important, and their brains get addicted to the feeling, therefore, it causes people to reach out for their phone unconsciously.

However, there's always a price to pay. For instance, constantly checking phones may come off impolite to others. The habit can also stop one from interacting with people, and prevent one from getting things done.

So, how can we tell if we are a habitual checker?Here are some signs:First, if you check your e-mail more than you need to.Second, you're annoying other people.Third, the thought of not checking makes you nervous.Researchers suggest that if you want to get rid of your checking habit, you need to try to stay away from your phone for a few hours everyday, and maybe force yourself to stop checking when you're in a social situation.

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