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2011/08/17 06:00 綜合報導     地區:國外報導



Actress Jessica Alba just welcomed her second daughter with husband Cash Warren. The hot mom gave birth last Saturday to Haven Garner Warren, who weighed 7 pounds and measured 19 inches long. Alba thanked her fans on her Facebook page, saying that their support during her pregnancy meant the world to her.

In a recent interview, Alba talks about starring in the upcoming "Spy Kids" film, and how she manages to juggle her life on screen, and behind the camera.

"It feels quite different, I think as your body has a memory of it, of what is supposed to happen, I feel like it like jumped into pregnant mode, much [3]quicker, like the belly popped, and things sort of like went into different places quicker, and you know, I'm also carrying and running around after a three year old, so that also puts different sort of strains on the body that I didn't quite have before. So it is different."

Alba also plays a mom in the fourth installment of "Spy Kids," directed by Robert Rodriguez, as Marissa, a retired secret agent, who brings her stepchildren along for the exciting ride.

"I think being a mom definitely had something to do with it... I was talking to Robert, after I had my daughter, that, you know I'd really love to do a kids' movie and I'd love to do a movie that portrays a mom that's a modern, cool mom and I think that's part of what this character is that I'm playing."

And Alba tries to incorporate her firstborn, three-year-old daughter Honor, into her busy life as much as possible.

"She's been coming to all of my movie sets since she's been four months old, so, I always bring her, and that's what is great about my job is that I can bring her with me."

"Spy Kids 4" marks the third collaboration between Alba and Rodriguez, who worked together previously in "Sin City" and "Machete."As for the 30-year-old star, she says that she's focusing on her growing family, and will take on roles depending on her schedule.

"I'm just taking some time and playing it by ear and saying when it feels right to go back to work and what opportunities come up, I'm actually eager to do an action movie, like a full on action movie, I think that's what I'll be looking for next."

"Spy Kids 4: All the Time in the World in 4D" will land in theaters on August 19th in the U.S.

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關鍵字Jessica Alba cash Warren Garner Warren spy Kids 4
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