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2012/02/13 00:00 綜合報導     地區:國外報導



  Meet Geminoid F, the young lady sitting in the department store waiting for someone. But don't be fooled by her appearance. She's actually a robot.

She's the latest Valentine's Day display in a department store in Tokyo.

In addition to attract shoppers, Geminoid F also serves a scientific purpose. Her creators want to observe the interaction between her and passing shoppers with an eye to future societies where robots and humans will interact on a daily basis.

Member of Hiroshi Ishiguro Laboratory, Kohei Ogawa: "Valentine's day is the season of the love. When programming this robot we tried to make it so that she would sit and expect someone to come, and keep repeating that cycle. All in all, we worked to make it so that the android would be able to show the romantic charms of a lady."

And it seems to be working. As Geminoid F sits in the display case waiting patiently for a phone call, some shoppers say they can feel the connection with the robot.

Yuta Mori: "It's looks really human-like, not like a doll at all. Even when I get close to her, I saw how high quality her skin was and how she stared back into my eyes."

The Valentine's experiment is not the first in which Geminoid F has been introduced to the public. In 2010, she was cast as the star of "Sayonara" a futuristic play about an intimate relationship between a dying woman and her android caretaker. The play was well-received. For her creators, Geminoid F's gradual integration with society is all-important to future robotic technologies. If the public can accept Geminoid F on stage and as a department store display, robot scientists say they are more likely to accept her in their homes and offices in the years to come.

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關鍵字Geminoid f Robot Tokyo
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