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2012/03/21 06:00 綜合報導     地區:國外報導



  Julia Roberts, who played the Evil Queen, was joined by Lilly Collins and the other cast members to promote for their latest fantasy film, "Mirror, Mirror" directed by Tarsem Singh.

  At the event, Lily Collins, daughter of English musician Phil Collins, shared her enjoyment of filming the movie.

  "It was a created world every day that I just couldn't believe that I was in. I mean Tarsem made a snow globe of magic every day and we had the sets there and the props and everything. And the costumes were huge and they made you feel like you were truly part of that world. It was like being in a dream every day," said Collins.

  In this modern version of the story, the evil queen schemes for control of the kingdom after her husband, Snow White's father, dies.

  After the king dies, Snow White is banished to the forest after her beauty wins the heart of the prince that the treacherous queen wishes to marry. In the forest, Snow White met the seven dwarfs, who inspired her to grow strong and to take back her kingdom.

  Collins said, "We didn't want to do a caricature of an animated princess. We really wanted to make her a real girl that girls could relate to today and to make her some sort of a fighter physically and emotionally because in today's world the girl saves the boy as much as the boy saves the girl and I think it takes a strong man to accept help from a woman but I think it also says a lot about today's world where girls have to do anything as well,"

  British actor Sean Bean who plays the king, says being a part of the film was a nice escape from his other dark and villain roles.

  Bean: "It's great for me because I'm usually in roles in quite heavy stuff so going on this show and on the set is so funny. And the director Tarsem Singh was so lighthearted about things and it became infectious and it was lovely. It was a lovely film to do, a film to make so full of fun and laughter so it was very refreshing for me. As I've said before, I've played very heavy duty roles before so it was a welcome relief for me,"

  Julia Roberts was all smiles at the beginning of the premiere, however, she stopped talking to reporters after they asked her what she thought about George Clooney's recent arrest at the Sudanese embassy in Washington, DC.

  "Mirror Mirror" is set to be released in the United States on March 30th, and in Taiwan theaters on April 4.

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關鍵字FILM mirror mirror julia Roberts Lilly Collins
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