
Businesswoman chasing dream
2010/07/14 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台中縣報導



With a dream in your mind, and a business plan in your hand, you can be running this storefront for free.

Two businesswomen are sharing their success by contributing back to the society, and are seeking for aspiring entrepreneurs who have a dream of their own.

Let's follow their story and find out why they are making such a generous offer.

The free storefront is this European styled small, white cabin. It's only 12 pings inside.

Originally, all types of music boxes were sold here.

The decoration is very heart warming.

Even the bathroom seems quite dreamy.

Now, it is being freely provided to young people up to year to help start their business.

It is located at the entrance of the restaurant.

Restaurant patrons will see this store the moment they walk in, which is guaranteed crowd traffic.

Everyone has a dream, but can't believe the store is being offered for free.

You just need to write out your dream into a plan, and you can have the chance to use this store.

Hui Jun is one of the two female owners of this restaurant.

She gave up her high salary job to chase her dreams and started off with one restaurant.

She now owns a franchise of over 10 restaurants, and will open a bed and breakfast in Hokkaido this year.

She said they were looking for land to plant lavenders when they started their business.

The landowner saw they had a dream and provided the land to them for free.

They had the chance to fail and that's why they succeeded.

Now, they bring in a few hundred million NT$ per year and want to help young people realize their own dreams.

They will start accepting business plans in July and will chose 3 plans.

They will give NT$50,000 to two of them, while the third person will get this store, which sees some 20,000 people walk by every month.

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關鍵字businesswoman dream entrepreneur restaurant lavenders
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