
88nt tour in kaohsiung
2010/07/17 06:45 綜合報導     地區:高雄縣報導



Next month marks the one-year anniversary of the devastating flood that occurred on August 8th, 2009.

Now, the Kaohsiung County Government is doing what it takes to revive the Liukuei and Jiasien areas by offering an 88 NT dollars shuttle service to promote the hot spots in those locations.

Hop on the ride, and you'll be able to taste all the local cuisines before enjoying the hot spring in Paolai village.

The devastated Liukuei area after the 88 flood last year is now transformed with a new look with many renovated hot spring hotels ready to receive customers.

However, many people are not aware of the fact that Liukuei area is ready to welcome tourists again, therefore the Kaohsiung County Government is introducing the NT$88 shuttle service from Kaohsiung High Speed Rail Tzo Ying station to Paolai via Kaohsiung ChiShan.

The first stop is Meihun for the passengers can try the traditional Hakka thick rice noodles; next stop is the Shanling township's Da-ai village to check out the newly rebuilt area.

Before reaching the final destination, children can stop by Jiasian for icy taro treats.

The super cheap promotion is going to be made available in August with the Kaohsiung County Government trying to get a share of the summer travel peak season while Liukuei hot spring operators all hope that, in the near future, tourists can return to the area as they did before.

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關鍵字Kaohsiung county government 88 flood hot Spring Hakka thick rice noodles
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