
Censoring infomercials
2010/07/19 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Infomercials are relatively popular in Taiwanese television with many hosts promoting food or medication products.

Among the 10 infomercial that the Consumer Foundation investigated, 7 food items claimed to have healing powers, while the 3 other being medication products, have been found to be illegally shipped to customers.

On TV, a Ms. Chen is suffering from first stage of liver cirrhosis and was cured after using the clam essence tablet.

The TV infomercials in Taiwan are popular, with the consumer Foundation recently investigated 10 infomercials and found that out of the 10, all were with testimonials and 4 of them had clear labeling on TV.

Out of the 10, 7 are food products but the promotion involves medical treatment assumptions, which violated food administration regulation.

The other 3 are medication, which were shipped out via postal services, which is also against the law.

The Foundation pointed out that, Ministry of Health and Fair Trade council should not allow these infomercials to be played on TV anymore.

The foundation wants the public to go to the doctor when suffering from diseases and dont trust infomercials for most of them In Taiwan are filled with lies and may cause ones health.

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關鍵字Censoring infomercials Taiwanese television Consumer Foundation
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