
Wild duties
2010/07/23 06:45 綜合報導     地區:新竹市報導



It's definitely a challenging duty to tend wild animals.

Take this giraffe in the Hsinchu zoo for instance, 10 men are required just to perform a manicure on her.

Now here on CTS, let's check out how the job is finally done.

This 13-year-old female giraffe Bo-Di is going to have her nails done as part of today's mission.

A veterinarian provides a tranquilizer and 10 strong men got to service sawing the giraffe's nails.

It looks terrifying as a chisel and hammer are used to finally cut these nails.

It takes 20 minutes to cut this toenail with a file helping make it more beautiful.

Bo-Di feels the stress and uses hind legs to kick which scares many people.

Taking care of these animals is definitely not an easy task.

And like these elephant nails, equal care must be paid to cut them just right and carefully polish them otherwise this elephant can go crazy.

And this crocodile has a big mouth that needs to have his teeth brushed.

However, he could easily snap this toothbrush. The panda, Tuan-Tuan is the is the best to deal with as this baton stroke leads it to immediately stretch out left arm for one to take blood pressure.

This procedure doesn't seem to worry anyone.

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關鍵字WILD duties animal giraffe hsinchu ZOO Bo-Di nail toenail elephant crocodile panda Tuan-Tuan
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