
A new movie on sun yat-sen
2010/07/24 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Over the years, there has been quite a few movies depicting the life of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, but none was made from the Malaysian perspective until now. A screening of "Road to Dawn," the first Malaysian-produced film about the legendary revolutionary, will be screened in Taipei later this year.

Although there are many movies that center around Dr. Sun Yat-sen, this one is different, as it looks at the nation's founding father from the point of view of Malaysian.

Between 1906 to 1911, Sun visited Penang of Malaysia for five times, seeking support from overseas Chinese.

Having experienced 9 failed revolution attempts, Sun went to Malaysia to raise fund.

While the revolution efforts serve as the background, the story is about Sun's love life.

The movie "Road to Dawn" was funded by Malaysian investors and filmed in the country, looking at the great man from Malaysian viewpoints.

Since this year marks the 100th anniversary of the Penang conference, the movie will be played at the Dr. Sun Yat-sen memorial hall, which also has a Malaysian Cultural Exhibition to introduce the Southeast Asian Country to local visitors.

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關鍵字A NEW movie on Sun yat-sen movie Dr. Sun yat-sen Road TO Dawn Malaysian Penang anniversary Malaysian Cultural exhibition Southeast Asian Country
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