
Wood craftsmanship exhibit
2010/07/25 06:45 綜合報導     地區:苗栗縣報導



A wood sculpture exhibition is on display, projecting the masterpieces of local and Japanese artists.

This event, is taking place at Miaoli's Sanyi which is known for its long history of wood sculpture.

While this occasion marks an exchange of great works among skillful craftsmen, some are worried that the traditional art will soon be lost.

In the corner of this exhibition a little boy lies on the ground and is motionless, showing his relaxed mood. There is a large figure with a exaggerated facial expression as this person looks at his hands.

Here are three other images with different gazes looking afar, showing a sense of future expectations.

These depictions of reality and imagination are done at the hands of a Japanese artist. It is very different than local creations.

The only similarity is their bold approach and an Aboriginal attitude as even the person's face has a very fine texture.

This exhibit is the result of a cultural exchanges between Taiwan and Japan, with two sides presenting very different works.

Local artists say Taiwan's woodcarving has gradually become refined in recent years with realism attracting lots of people to come back.

Like action figures, and even color texture, Sanyi wood carvers are moving away from the traditional rigid style to softer realism.

It will also be a test of a new generation of creative skill, and despite the talent, technology and industry gradually returning, many are facing the dilemma of a lack of local talent.

Old masters are very worried, and now transmission to the second generation cannot find another generation of new people to learn traditional techniques.

This coupled with difficulties in lowering costs for the industry making it difficult for the industry to establish firm roots for its future survival.

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關鍵字Wood craftsmanship Exhibit DISPLAY xaggerated facial expression Japanese artist
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