
2010/07/27 06:45 綜合報導     地區:南投縣報導



Taiwan's Sun Moon Lake is admired for many reasons, including Granny's tea eggs next to the Xuan Guang temple that has gained immense popularity for selling up to 7,000 eggs per day.

With an impressive earning of close to 70,000 NT dollars in a single day, the Taipei National Administration is asking granny to take a visit and calculate how much tax she needs to pay annually for her profitable business.

The aromas emitting from Granny's tea eggs consistently draw in tourists. Granny gets so busy that she wishes she had two more arms. The long line of people seems to never-ending. Granny has sold tea eggs at Sun Moon Lake's Xuan Guang temple for over 50 years.

But before Taiwan opened up access to Mainland Chinese tourists, the tea eggs hadn't yet gained fame. It was after the recommendation of tour guides that now every Chinese tourist buys at least one tea egg. Even Taiwanese tourists are lining up for the eggs.

On the shop sign is written one egg for 10 NT dollars, or two eggs for 5 RMB. Having once sold up to 7,000 eggs a day, the tea egg shop would be hard put not to catch the attention of the tax bureau. The bureau has even sent over someone to stand guard.

Some have called into question granny's obligation to start an invoice system, since her monthly revenue suspected to surpass 1 million NT dollars. But the tax bureau believes this would be difficult, opting instead to check her tax records every half year.

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關鍵字LAKE Moon Sun Granny's tea eggs granny tourist Taipei national Administration
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