
Study tour application alert
2010/07/30 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



If working abroad is part of your plan, then pay close attention to this next story.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is reminding the public that only several countries have agreements with Taiwan, allowing Taiwanese residents to work overseas using a visitor's visa.

Travelers should be more cautious when applying for jobs abroad to prevent fraud from agencies and from violating the immigration law.

The 26-year-old student with the last name of Wu,

paid 120, 000 NT dollars to a study tour company for an opportunity to work in a Las Vegas hotel. With no job openings there, she was then offered with another

another job in a New York hotel. Disapointed, she asked for a refund but only received 70, 000 NT dollars in return.

Now, Wu is seeking for Consumer Protection Foundation's help to get her money back.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, currently, only New Zealand, Australia, Japan and Canada have signed agreements with Taiwan, meaning that if you risk working in other countries under visitor's visa, you may face deportation and may leave you with a bad record for future visa approvals.

While many travel agencies provide these kind of services, those interested in working abroad during the summer break should check the Ministry of Education's website for more information while double confirming on the terms when signing contracts with agencies.

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關鍵字Study tour company application working abroad Ministry of Foreign Affairs work overseas visitor's visa
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