
Cell phone spying device
2010/07/31 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



With the modern technology, we are no longer living in a world with privacy. Now there is device out there that can allow you to eavesdrop on someone else's cell phone conversation. Although it's illegal, it is not entirely unusual.

CTS has the exclusive coverage for you.

Watch out if you receive a mobile phone as a gift, because your new present may be more that what it seems.

With this device installed in your phone, your talks and your text messages are fully monitored by another party.

By inputting #9999#, the spying instrument is activated, which begins its process of tracking your moves.

So when your phone rings, the other one rings simultaneously, permitting one to completely listen in to your conversation.

Even though this way of bugging one another is illegal and strongly opposed by many, this wiretapping tool is secretly sold on the black market.

Next time when you get a suspicious phone as a present or if you hear echoes at times during your calls, don't rule out that someone prying into your business, so make sure you get your phone checked before you leak out all your top secrets.

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關鍵字cell PHONE spy device modern Technology eavesdrop bug wiretap pry
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