
Lowest College Recruit Rate
2010/08/07 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



The final results of the 2010 college entrance exam were released yesterday, with over 71,000 students being admitted to colleges around Taiwan and an acceptance rate of 94.87%, the lowest since 2006.

The college acceptance rate is higher and higher in recent years, however, because there are other channels to get into schools, the number of people who registered for the College Entrance Exam dropped while acceptance rate this year is at 94.87%, which is lower than last years rate of 97.14%; it is also the lowest in 4 years. In addition, the 2,236 empty spot that were not filled is also a low.

In order to prevent anyone from going to college with an embarrassing low test score, this year, a lowest qualifying score was set this year by the test board, however, those majors requiring technical backgrounds are not restricted by the qualifying minimum score, therefore, the lowest score of acceptance was 36.83 for someone who got accepted by Chang Jung Christian University department of recreational sports management.

In general, test takers still need high marks to get into popular departments.

A student surnamed Lin even filled out 6 choices of departments despite a high score of 535.

There are 42 students who just filled out one choice of school major, with 15 of them failed to get acceptance while one student didnt get in to a school with a high score of 500, which indicates that there are still much room for improvement in Taiwans education system.

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