
Ma Campaigns for Candidates
2010/08/08 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Good Morning and thank you

for sharing your day

with me on CTS News.

I am Cary Chuo.

The KMT's 18th ad hoc convention of national representatives started yesterday, and it appeared like a huge campaign event. President Ma Ying-jeou gave a spirited speech full of criticism of mistakes by the previous DPP administration, trying to boost the morale of the ruling party for the year end elections.

The 5 KMT special municipality candidates campaigned with the theme of the Golden 10 years for Taiwanese glory and the belief that Taiwan would spread its wings and fly higher.

President Ma Ying Jeou also put on campaigning clothing to help the five.

It is the second National representative convention after Ma took over as the KMT chair during his term as President, whom, faced with loses at many by-elections in the past year, criticized the former administration for all the wrong doings, hoping to use the speech and example to unite the members of KMT, especially those at the meeting.

Unlike the past, Ma openly talked about party reform, the convention, which was organized by KMT secretary general King Pu Tsung, turned into a big campaigning event, for it is an event only for KMT members, thus Ma blasted at the DPP, preventing any possibilities of losing any votes from the participating members.

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關鍵字KMT's representatives candidates MA Ying-jeou DPP
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