
Rebuilding Livelihoods
2010/08/09 06:45 綜合報導     地區:高雄縣報導



Many commemorative events are organized by the government and local groups at the disaster-hit areas.

At the Daai village of Sanlin Township in Kaohsiung County, a market has been held to promote local agricultural produce where resident can sell their products.

However, the business owners are saying that this one-day event is not as practical, and consistent projects should be created to effectively enhance the buying demand.

Along the two sides of the street, there are many vendors in the park of the permanent housing in Sanlin township. Some sell agricultural products such as jelly, taro and others, while handmade, traditional aboriginal clothes and accessories are also being displayed.

As one of the events to mark the first anniversary of the 88 flooding, the County Government organized a holiday market at the Daai village, where residents are given an opportunity to sell agricultural products of their own.

But once the event is ended, 700 families in the Daai village will have to travel to the nearest town a few kilometers away to purchase daily necessities.

It's been almost six months since the Daai village was inaugurated.

But it doesn't have a market nor has a store setup.

In addition to the sporadic event, the residents hope the government can arrange a place for residents to do business and enhance the living conditions of the community.

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關鍵字Daai village Sanlin Township Kaohsiung county vendor 88 flooding
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