
White Shiba Inu Revealed
2010/08/11 06:45 綜合報導     地區:嘉義縣報導



This Chiayi couple should try their luck by buying some lottery tickets.

From the six Japanese Shiba Inu puppies that they bred, one is completely white which is extremely rare. Veterinarians are saying that out of a million, only one will be of this color.

This female white Shiba Inu puppy sure knows how to steal the thunder, being the only white one among her five other siblings which are all in creamy colors, resembling of their parents who both share the same coat color. And how do we know she belongs to this family? Well, maybe the slight tint of golden color on top of her two ears and on the tip of her tail will be a passable explanation for now.

Mr. Chang and Mrs. Chang, the owners of these dogs are volunteer firefighters who recently found out that the probability of a white Shiba Inu is one in a million, according to experts. The duo is saying they are taking this exceptional gift as a sign, hoping the little white furry creature will bring the family more good luck.

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關鍵字Chiayi couple Japanese Shiba Inu puppy White furry veterinarian dog
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