
Catch Perseid Meteor Shower Today
2010/08/13 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Make several wishes, and look up into the sky for the Perseid Meteor shower that can be seen today.

You only have a few hours left, because this summer, the streaks of light will be visible from 2am until 3pm on August 13th. Experts are saying there is a chance that you can catch the Milky Way and Jupiter while at it.

The Perseid Meteor Shower takes a visit every summer, and it has been apparent since last month, with astrological followers proving it by posting pictures on the Internet, including photos of the Milky Way.

It is forecasted that the most meteors can been seen from 2am to 3pm on August 13th, and there is a possibility to see up to 60 meteors within an hour.

According to the Central Weather Bureau, this is a great year to see constellation movements, because the moon would be setting early, thus, making the view additionally impressive.

For a remarkable stargazing experience, get yourself out to an open space, away from the city lights to see one of the biggest three meteor showers that we encounter every year, and be on the watch for other potential shinning objects.

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關鍵字Perseid Meteor shower Milky WAY Jupiter stargazing
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