
Calcium in Soybean Products
2010/08/14 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



While soy milk offers a host of health benefits, calcium supplementation is not among them. A new research from the John Tung Foundation shows that the calcium content in soy milk is way lower than many think, just about one tenth of dairy milk's levels.

Many people that are lactose intolerant drink soy milk or eat tofu to get their recommended daily intake of calcium.

However, a John Tung Foundation study of soy products being sold on the market shows that a 240-milliliter cup of soy milk contains just 26.4 milligrams of calcium.

Experts generally set the RDI for calcium at 1,000 milligrams, but many soy products have surprisingly low calcium content.

In fact, consumers would have to eat seven packages of tofu or drink ten glasses of soymilk to get the same amount of calcium found in one glass of milk.

In regards to the "one vegetarian day per week" policy that many schools have implemented recently, the foundation says that most vegetarian meat products contain artificial additives and high sodium levels.

Apart from milk, food items with high calcium content include dried bean curd, Chinese kale, Chinese spinach, and preserved mustard greens.

Regular cardiovascular exercise is also key in preventing osteoporosis.

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關鍵字soy milk health benefits calcium supplementation Research John Tung Foundation lactose intolerant preventing osteoporosis
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