
Hidden Danger in Parks
2010/08/19 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



You may want to be extra attentive next time you take your little one out for a play day.

A recent safety check conducted by Jing Chuan Child Safety Foundation, has revealed that nearly all the 40 parks in 5 districts across Taiwan are unsafe.

Let's take a look at the hidden dangers here on CTS.

Everyday, hundreds of children visit the Da-an Forest Park in Taipei City, but few are aware that the public playground may not be the safest place to be.

The latest finding portrays a shocking result, out of the 40 parks surveyed nationwide, all of them do not meet the safety standard, including Taipei's Da-an Forest Park and the Central Park in Kaohsiung City.

And what kind of safety measures are we talking about? We are simply referring to the current mats at parks which are found to be almost useless in providing protection for children at play.

Blame it on Taiwan's hot and humid weather, which causes mats at parks to crack and harden overtime, meaning that if children fall on it, it cannot fully shield them from injuries.

Parents are advised to keep an eye on their children when taking them to playgrounds, while the foundation is urging related authorities to examine the mats on a regular basis and to remove any park equipments that are too high in height to assure a danger free environment for the kids.

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關鍵字hidden danger IN parks Jing Chuan Child safety Foundation Da-An forest Park nationwide
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