
An Altruistic Artist
2010/08/21 06:45 綜合報導     地區:高雄縣報導



As one of the flood victims himself, famous pottery artist Lee Huai-jin now dedicates himself not only to the art of pottery, but also to the reconstruction of the villages that were devastated during the flooding of last August. CTS news is here to share with you the inspiring story of people who never give up.

As many women in the Da Ai village sewing class at working hard trying to make some extra money, Dai Ai village neighborhood care association chairman Lee Jin Huai is trying to think of a way to industrialize the sewing class.

There are 12 volunteers working on neighborhood classes and arrangements of temp jobs for those affected by the 88 flood last year.

all volunteers, especially Lee, would visit everyone in the village daily.

Lee was originally in the pottery business and move to Liu Guei townships Bao Lai from Taipei 15 years ago and started to do community service volunteer work because of his second daughter who suffers from multiple birth defects.

After 4 typhoons, Lees workshop was washed away by the flood, including all his works.

Now Da Ai village is his new home; working with villagers for better development, Lee take it on himself to be responsible for the communitys future and would never give up.

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關鍵字flood victims pottery artist Art Reconstruction village Dai AI sewing class community Service volunteer work
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