
Challenging the yu chu peak
2010/07/31 06:45 綜合報導     地區:高雄縣報導



A group of youths from the 88 flood affected area departed for QIng Hai in China together with a group of students from the Natinoal Taiwan sports university to climb the Yu Chu sumit that is 6,178 meters above sea level.

Those youths have been training since 6 months ago.

Due to bad weather conditions, they did not make it to the top of the peak.

Upon returning home, they all made a wish to challenge the same peak again in the future

It is a challenge to conquer the Yu Chu peak that is 6,178 meters above sea level, let along for a group of youths, averaging 16 years of age, doing so for the first time.

They faced hail and storm, in addition to thin air on the mountain, LiuGuei Countys Ron Hua has to put on the oxygen mask.

At 5,200 meters, Huei Mei also felt sick who kept vomiting, later gave up the challenge due to the severe weather condition.

Kai Ling was the only one to reached 5,600 meters, just short of reaching the top due to weather conditions.

The coach told the kids that the most important thing is to return home safely and not reaching the top.

The trip took them 6 months in training time and 15 days on the mountains, 5 youths from 88 flood affected areas in southern Taiwan learned a valuable lesson.

Upon returning home, they are all setting another goal for themselves in the future.

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關鍵字Chu Yu The climb University sports TAIWAN Natinoal area affected flood 88 challenge
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