
Hou Kuan-chun Takes on Se-
2010/08/21 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Hou Kuan-chun learned the art of Chinese crosstalk from renowned crosstalk master Wu Chao-nan. Hou recently took on his second pupil, Chinese-German model Tini Yuan. Yuan's first homework assignment was memorizing the names of the 141 dishes served at the Manchu Han Imperial Feast.

Taipei City Councilor Hou Kuan-chun, who has been tutored in the art of Chinese stand-up comedy by legendary comedian Wu Chao-nan, has a new student of his own.

In one breath, Tini Yuan recites the names of twelve dishes.

The half-Chinese, half-German model has spent the past two months memorizing the names of the 141 dishes that were served at the Manchu Han Imperial Feast.

Only after she successfully completed her first assignment was Hou Kuan-chun willing to accept her as his pupil.

Hou learned the art of Chinese crosstalk from renowned crosstalk master Wu Chao-nan, and Yuan is a ninth-generation crosstalk student.

Both Hou and Wu have been impressed by her quick wit over the past few months.

The 25-year old has starred in numerous commercials since winning second place in a modeling competition, but she says that her goal is injecting new life into the art of crosstalk.

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關鍵字Hou Kuan-chun Art Chinese crosstalk Renowned master Wu Chao-nan pupil
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