
Talent Drain in Green Industries
2010/08/24 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Green energy industries have been receiving much attention as people are becoming increasingly eco- conscious. However, Taiwan's domestic green energy companies are still suffering from a shortage of qualified workers, which may bring negative effect to their long-term development.

Taiwan is currently the largest producer of LED bulbs in the world.

It ranks third in the world for solar batteries.

Green industry is seen as the future, and looks to be Taiwan's next developing industry after semiconductors and optoelectronics.

But a study by a green industry company discovered that 60% of companies have a hard time finding qualified new workers.

The lack of qualified workers is a problem for the entire industry.

The company said unlike OEM or ODM companies, green companies must compete internationally.

It's waging a brand battle, so it needs people with international experience.

LEDs has an annual growth of 30%.

The market value will reach 130 bn USD by 2014. Companies urge job seekers to understand the industry and improve their knowledge in order to get into this star industry.

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關鍵字Talent DRAIN IN green industries green ENERGY industries eco- conscious OEM ODM companies
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