
Innovative Protective Gears
2010/08/25 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



With the upcoming Intercontinental Cup and Asian Games later this year, this invention is both timely and beneficial to baseball players. This special type of protective equipment developed by doctor and baseball-lover Liang Ting-Ji helps to eliminate muscle fatigue and restores physical strength after an intense game.

A baseball game typically lasts three hours and if it's the regular season, usually the next day there is a game.

If players do not properly look after their health after a game the feeling of pain and fatigue is very difficult to overcome.

This can also affect a team's performance. Taipei Medical University's Liang Ting-Ji spent 10 years studying bioenergetic ceramics finding that this material can affect muscle recovery and fatigue.

Liang's research has led to 8 patent applications, also 16 papers published in international medicine.

Originally from Hong Kong, this innovation is especially useful for the sport of baseball which he loves.

It has led to the development of the first set of exclusive protective gear for the Chinese Taipei Team.

This will allow the players to have their best performance in the Asian Games! Having a secret weapon will be great for the team.

A list of 45 names have previous been published for the team though it has been criticized as being wishful thinking as the local to baseball association gave a deadline of the morning of the 26th, Taiwan time star players such as Kuo Hong-Chih to join the team.

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關鍵字innovative Protective Gears Intercontinental Cup and Asian Games baseball-lover Liang Ting-Ji Hong Kong
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