
Reusable container hazards
2010/07/20 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Using re-usable beverage containers not only saves you money at certain shops, it is also an encouraged and a highly promoted habit for an earth-friendly environment.

However, while the Department of Health does not have regulations over these bottles, experts say that toxic materials may be released from these cups and pose a threat to the users' health.

Now here on CTS, let's take a look at this story.

Many people are starting to use portable eco-friendly cups to contain hot coffee. However, manufacturers on the market use different materials to make cups and there is insufficient information about them.

The only information currently available is the manufacturing location and the recommended usage. Medical specialists say that cups containing polycarbonate, also known as PC, will react to the heat from liquids by releasing Bisphenol A, which can affect the reproductive system.

The Department of Health is currently urging private organizations to conduct investigations into the materials that are being used to make the cups.

It is also planning to establish clear regulations on this issue.

In the meantime, doctors are advising the public to refrain from using the cups for acidic liquids or drinks that exceed 50 degrees Celsius in temperature.

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關鍵字Reusable container Hazards department of health eco-friendly Cup
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