
Heads Of Judicial Yuan Nominated
2010/08/26 06:45 综合報導     地區:台北市報導



Following the resignation of Judicial Yuan leaders, President Ma Ying-jeou nominated their replacements on Tuesday, tapping Central Election Commission Chairman Rai Hau-min as the next Judicial Yuan president, and former National Communications Chief Commissioner Su Yeong-chin as Rai's deputy. Both Rai and Su have expressed full commitment to judicial reforms.

President Ma Ying-jeou held a press conference on Tuesday to announce his nominations of Central Election Commission Chairman Rai Hau-min and former National Communications Commission Chairman Su Yeong-chin as grand justices and Judicial Yuan president and vice president, respectively.

Apart from lauding Rai and Su's moral characters and legal expertise, Ma also expressed hopes that the two would be able to reform the judicial system and win back the confidence and trust of the public.

Born in Miaoli County in 1939, Rai graduated from National Taiwan University's College of Law and received his Masters degree in law from Tokyo University.

After returning to Taiwan, he founded Formosa Transnational Attorneys at Law.

According to Rai, his experience has taught him that the public seeks a fair, just, efficient, and high-quality judicial system. Su was born in Yilan County in 1951, and received his PhD from the University of Munich.

He has taught at National Chengchi University's College of Law since returning to Taiwan, and previously served as the chairman of the National Communications Commission and vice chair of the Fair Trade Commission.

He was also Ma's classmate at Taipei Municipal Jianguo High School and National Taiwan University.

Su's elder brother previously served as secretary general of the National Security Bureau, while his wife, Peng Feng-chih, is a former grand justice and current chief justice of the Supreme Administrative Court.

Peng resigned from her post following her husband's nomination. Rai and Su's nominations are now awaiting approval from the Legislative Yuan.

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關鍵字President MA Ying-jeou Judicial Yuan President Rai Hau-min Su Yeong-chin
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