
Controversy Over Nominations
2010/08/26 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



President Ma's nominations of Judicial Yuan's new leaders have caused a controversy, with the opposition party criticizing Ma's choice of Su as sheer favoritism. And DPP lawmakers have threatened to vote against Su during the Legislative Yuan's review of the nominations.

The nominated Judicial Yuan president Rai Hau-min and vice president Su Yeong-chin pledge to should the responsibilities of judicial reform.

Recently, the series of scandals involving corruption and bribery in connection to judges have drawn much criticism from the public.

Other issues that came under scrutiny include the lack of supervision and exit mechanism in independent jurisdiction and more.

Therefore, local judicial reform groups and the Judges Association have high hopes for nominees of the Judicial Yuan president and vice president.

The combination of a lawyer and a scholar is a brand new force, which has led to high expectation in judicial reform efforts.

Despite the growing anticipation, the DPP caucus, on the other hand, raised concerns that they were "political appointments" that would take away the independence of the judiciary.

DPP lawmakers are expected to vote against the appointment as they question Su Yeong-chin's personal relationship with the president and the DPP believes he's pro-blue camp as Su was the former NCC chairperson.

Legislative speaker Wang Jin-pyng says that the appointments will be reviewed by the legislature when the next term begins and the consent will be given only when the nominees receive the majority votes in the legislature.

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關鍵字Jin-pyng Wang DPP SCHOLAR lawyer Yeong-chin Su President Vice Hau-min Rai President Yuan Judicial
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