
Gangster Murder Solved
2010/08/28 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



After nearly three months of investigation, Taichung Mayor Jason Hu announced Thursday night that the murder of the alleged gangster Weng Chi-nan was finally solved after the 17-year-old gunman Liao Kuo-hao turned himself in the previous night.

Taichung gangster Weng Chi-nan was shot dead on May 28th at his own biotech company, which caused a public uproar.

And three months later, the gunman Liao Guo-hau finally turned himself in late Wednesday night.

This has been a great news for Taichung mayor Jason Hu, who admits that he's been under a lot of pressure in the past few months.

Hu thanked the special taskforce for its services and credited former city police bureau chief Hu Mu-yuan for his hardwork.

While praising the police work, Minister of the Interior Jiang Yi-huah

also advised the police not to be complacent as the public is still troubled by the questions over police ethics which were raised by the Weng case.

Referring to Liao's arrest, Premier Wu Den-yih described Wednesday as "a very meaningful day" for Taiwanese police and prosecutors, as who are expected to continue their effort to crack down on crimes and ensure public security around the country.

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關鍵字Gangster murder Solved investigation JASON Hu Weng Chi-nan
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