
Following a Master's Footsteps
2010/08/28 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



A group of musically-driven students from Hengchung of Pingtung are learning to play an ancient Chinese musical instrument, instructed by folk legend Chu Ding-shun, who is 84 years-old. The young ones are actually the great-grandsons of Chu, and they try to learn as much as they can to help preserve the art of the master.

Starting from the basics, three kids are learning how to play Xueqin and old tunes of Hengchung from folk song legend Chu Ding-shun, who was winner of the special achievement award in the Golden Melody Awards.

In fact, they are great-grandsons of Chu.

The two pre-schoolers apparently have no idea how to play the musical instrument.

But the 9-year-old Chu Yu-rue manages to learn five tunes in just one summer vacation.

Unlike other kids who are having a good time traveling during summer vacation, Chu's great-grandsons are learning Xueqin with great interests since they are influenced by the art form that they constantly see and hear.

More than 20 years ago, only few people were singing folk songs of Hengchung.

Chu, who began to learn to play and sing at the age of 12, insists to keep the legacy alive.

Since 2000, he has started to teach in 2000 and had classes at local learning annex.

The elder never misses a chance to perform.

But he hasn't found any student whom he believes is capable enough to carry on the legacy.

The 84-year-old has many students in Hengchung.

Surprisingly, after teaching 20 some years, he finds that his great-grandson would be his best successor.

He decides to teach the 7 tunes to his great-grandsons so the legacy can be passed along to future generations.

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關鍵字Master's Footsteps Hengchung Pingtung Chinese Musical instrument
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