
Special Bus to Disaster Area
2010/08/29 06:45 綜合報導     地區:屏東縣報導



The Ministry of Transportation and Communication is developing new ways to bring people back to the areas that were devastated by Typhoon Morakot last year. Two weeks after the launch of a special bus that tours the affected region, the local businesses are already seeing a turn for the better.

The streets are now busy on a typically quiet Yufeng Community in Jiadong Township.

Now this area is ready to receive tourists associated with Typhoon Morakot.

This wall indicates the level of flooding, with the highest level being 3.6 meters which was the height of Typhoon Morakot.

As for Linbian Township there are still houses that have yet to be cleaned of silt, as many can still see the results of this disaster.

The Ministry of Transportation and Communications launched this special bus to this disaster area.

Each ticket is 88 NT$ and it allows visitors to learn the status of the affected areas and the difficulties people face as well as promote the local tourism industry.

With the crowds coming, the community can start small businesses, and there has even been new life in the restaurant business.

However, only 1 or 2 busses come on a typical day, sometimes being less than full as many hope the government can undertake more marketing methods so that visitors traveling south to Kenting can stop halfway in Linbian and Jiadong.

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關鍵字Ministry transportation Communication typhoon Morakot Linbian Jiadong
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