
Parking for Green Vehicles
2010/09/01 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台南市報導



You're willing to cash out more for a hybrid car because it's environmentally friendly, but what kind of other perks can you get in return?

Now, in addition to saving your gas bills, parking spaces will be more accessible with the Tainan City Government launching a preferential parking program for alternative fuel vehicles.

However, many are saying that the plan is not persuasive enough, with the green automobiles costing up to four times more than conventional ones.

Beginning this week, cars with green labels will be able to enjoy preferential parking at 36 public parking garages in Tainan City.

2% of spaces in municipal parking lots are now allotted for alternative fuel vehicles, including hybrid and electric cars.

The Tainan City Government hopes that the measure will boost the city's alternative fuel vehicle usage rate, but subsidies are currently only available for electric cars.

Hybrid cars generally have a price tag of at least NT$ 1 million, and many say that they wouldn't consider buying an alternative fuel vehicle simply because of the new parking measure.

At the same time, some feel that the government is providing subsidies to those that could afford to purchase a hybrid car in the first place.

The Tainan City Government says that it won't consider implementing more subsidy programs unless the alternative fuel vehicle usage rate spikes.

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