
Fish Head Broth
2010/09/02 06:45 綜合報導     地區:嘉義縣報導



Next, we are taking you to Chiayi to check out the delicious fish head broth, that is first fried and then simmered in the full-flavored soup.

This creamy soup is put on the fire, as to the side are ingredients such as shredded pork and garlic as well as dried black fungus, Chinese cabbage, and lilies which are all put into this pot.

All these ingredients are piled high, and finally, Chinese barbecue sauce is added for flavor as it boils several times and is now ready to serve.

A recently fried fish head is now put into the bottom of the dish as it soaks up all of these juices and is served to the delight of all these guests.

This fish head absorbs all of the soup and is soft as it is 100% delicious and totally fresh.

The meat is sweet and as the restaurant chooses big head carp with the meat being firm and chewy and with big bones, it is really tasty.

The freshness is guaranteed as it is delivered directly from the Tsengwen Reservoir.

The broth is made from fish bones and large pork bones, which are cooked for 8 hours.

This leads to a refreshing broth with sweet meat from the fish.

It perfectly matches a soup flavored with Chinese barbecue sauce which adds a little spice as this is the very best way to taste these two different flavors.

Everyone takes large gulps of this fish head soup as it finally comes to the table.

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關鍵字fish head broth delicious full-flavored soup
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