
An Exhibition to Educate
2010/09/06 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台東縣報導



A local marine research center has organized an exhibition, in hope to educate the public the importance of moray eels, which are significantly important to the underwater ecology. Due to the over fishing in recent years, the number has dramatically decreased, and now experts are encouraging the public to help protect the species.

Known as moray eels, they are popular with divers as they are very tame and lovely.

They live in coral reef areas, but in recent years, due to capture and the destruction of their habitat, the number of these moray eels has declined.

According to an eastern marine biological research center,

which recently collected more than 10 kinds of these moray eels to help educate people about them with some being bright yellow.

This one looks like a mouse and buries its body in the sand.

This display of moray eels hopes to draw more interest and affection from local people, displaying their rare beauty.

In fact, these lovely eels can also have sharp teeth and attack other aggressive reef fish as they protect coral reef ecology.

This exhibition hopes to inspire everyone to take care of them and their habitats.

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關鍵字exhibition Educate moray eels underwater Ecology protect habitats
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