
Chinese Minister Tsai in Twn
2010/09/07 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



China's Minister of Culture, Tsai Wu paid a visit to the National Palace Museum on Sunday, to exchange opinions with the museum director in regards to future cooperation of artworks and professionals. Despite of the talks, both parties did not reach a consensus on whether artifacts from Taipei's museum can be exhibited in the mainland.

When visiting National Palace Museum in Taipei, China's Minister of Culture Cai Wu carefully looked at the artifacts and had a one-hour long talk with director of National Palace Museum Chou Kung-shin.

During the meeting, they discussed matters ranging from ancient treasures, talent cultivation, the paintings of Yuan dynasty in China's collection and the exhibition plan for the legendary painting Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains by Huang Gong-Wang in June next year in Taipei.

But they didn't mention the possibilities of exhibiting National Palace Museum artworks in Mainland China.

Cai believes, authorities across the Straits can enhance their efforts in cultural and educational exchanges after the signing of the ECFA and should also set a goal of signing a pact on cultural cooperation.

Since China hasn't yet to enact the laws that have an exemption from judicial seizure, the chance for National Palace Museum to exhibit in Mainland China is slim.

However, the two sides will continue to cooperate in organizing joint exhibitions.

In the upcoming October, National Palace Museum hold a joint exhibition with the Zhejiang, Fujian, and Liaoning Provincial Museum on the Southern Song Dynasty Art and Culture.

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關鍵字Chinese Minister Tsai Wu national Palace Museum culture Chou Kung-shin
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