
Yen Inflation Hurts Consumers
2010/09/11 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



The Japanese yen has hit a 15-year high against the dollar, triggering a price surge on products imported from Japan. So be prepared to spend more on almost all things Japanese from daily commodities to tour packages.

Many customers at those stores selling Japanese imported items for NT$39 each are finding the prices to be NT$59 each now.

Due to the appreciation of the Japanese Yen to 1NT per 2.63 Yen from 1NT per 2.857 a year ago, consumers are forking out more for their purchases.

For example, small hand towel are now NT$59 each instead of NT$39 each. Water bottle for students used to cost NT$1,700, but the current price has gone up NT$700 to NT$2,400.

In addition, tour packages to Japan are getting more expansive, too. A tour package to Hokkaido in the fall last year was priced at NT$35,000 instead of this years price of NT$45,000, and increase of 20%.

However, with new flights added next month to Haneda International airport from Taipei International Airport, tour agents are expecting more people to visit Japan in the fall.

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關鍵字Japanese Yen Inflation Hurts consumers HIGH against The dollar Taipei International airport
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