
Couple in Chiayi County Breed
2010/08/17 06:45 綜合報導     地區:嘉義縣報導



There is a couple living in Chiayi County, who have bred six Shiba Inu pups including, one that was completely white.

This is rare for this dog breed, as this pup is very cute with veterinarians saying that the probability of this happening is a million in one, making it indeed very rare!

Only two months old, this female white Shiba Inu pup is covered in hair that makes it look like a cute little polar bear.

Only the top if its two ears and tail show a faint golden yellow color.

This small Shiba Inu pup sits next to its brothers which are golden, but she is white with two shiny, watery black eyes.

Unlike the human eye color, these eyes are shallower. The mother and father of this pup are both golden in color, as the unique color of this dog makes many people love it.

The owners of this dog are a volunteer fire couple and will send the dog for a check-up as veterinarians says that the probability of a white Shiba Inu is one in a million.

Mr. Chang and his wife who continue to serve as volunteer firefighters believe this dog is a symbol and will bring them good luck.

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關鍵字Chiayi couple Japanese Shiba Inu puppy White furry veterinarian dog
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