
King to the Rescue of Hau
2010/09/12 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



With Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin still mired in allegations of corruptions over the Flora Expo, KMT Secretary-General King Pu-tsung cut short his stumping tour this week in southern Taiwan and returned to the capital to launch a new effort in saving Haus campaign. And this time, KMT aims to turn the heat on Hau's rival, Su Tseng-chang.

KMT Secretary-General King Pu-tsung has been overseeing the KMT's Greater Kaohsiung mayor campaign, but returned to Taipei on Friday in the hopes of saving Taipei City Mayor Hau Lung-pin's campaign.

Hau's chances for re-election have been dealt a heavy blow in recent weeks due to the Xinsheng Overpass scandal, and the KMT is planning a series of youth events to win over younger voters.

KMT Chairman Ma Ying-jeou will also be hitting the campaign trail for Hau in his capacity as a former Taipei City mayor.

According to King, Hau's image will naturally improve if the Flora Expo proves to be a success.

King also believes that Su Tseng-chang lacks the experience and vision to lead Taiwan's capital city, and KMT lawmakers have formed a team to review Su's performance during his stint as Taipei County magistrate.

In response, Su says that the KMT's tactic will have the opposite of the intended effect, and that he will rely on his campaign strategy to win the election.

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關鍵字rescue Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin Flora Expo KMT Secretary-General KING Pu-tsung Su Tseng-chang
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