
Stress And Diseases
2010/09/12 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Stress associated with long working hours may cause more harm to the body than you know. It will especially take a toll on your heart by increasing risks of various heart diseases. Doctors advise that maintaining a balanced diet plus regular exercise is always the key to a healthy life.

A 30-year-old by the surname of Lin had to be sent to the emergency room during work when she began to notice a sharp pain in her chest. Both her blood pressure and weight are medically speaking, in a healthy, normal range, but this is the third occurrence in only three months.

Medical experts say that due to long hours at work and minimal exercise, compounded with overwhelming stress, many people develop acute ardiovascular diseases. According to research conducted by the Taiwan Heart Foundation, 78% of the afflicted work over eight hours a day, 65% of working people develop shoulder, neck, and back pains, and 18% experience stress-induced insomnia.

Working people will have to be wary as risks of heart attack and other related cardiovascular diseases tend to increase 2.2 times from overwhelming stress. Medical experts are urging the public to exercise and maintain a healthy diet and find time during work to take a break and do some stretching.

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關鍵字stress diseases balanced DIET PLUS regular exercise healthy Life working people
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