
Getting Cold Feet?
2010/09/16 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



In our society, more and more individuals are afraid to walk down the aisle. According to the recent survey, 40 percent of the interviewees say that it's better to be on the market, and surprisingly, more than 50 percent of ladies are backing up the "single" idea.

In response to the disappointing thought, the Ministry of Education will be implementing marriage courses into family education program next year, to help people believe in marriage.

According to a recent survey, less than 50% and 60% of female respondents and total respondents, respectively, feel that being married is better than being single.

According to experts, women are possibly less enthusiastic about marriage due to being under child-bearing pressure and having to incorporate themselves into their husbands' families.

The experts say that pre-marriage courses can be used to prepare young people for married life.

Article 14 of the Education Act, which was promulgated in 2003, calls on municipal governments to provide at least four hours of pre-marriage and family education classes, but less than 6% of the population is aware of this policy.

Municipal family education centers around the island have hotlines and provide relevant courses, but few people are aware of or utilize these resources.

As a result, the Ministry of Education has decided to implement marriage education into family education courses for the 2011-2012 academic year.

Experts and the government believe that these courses can persuade more young people to change their minds about marriage.

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關鍵字Getting Cold feet Single Ministry of education married
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